Seafood HACCP Segment One test
Welcome to the Seafood HACCP Online Training Course
Congratulations, you have successfully registered for the Internet course and are now ready to begin learning about HACCP, the FDA Seafood HACCP regulation, and how to use the FDA Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide. The Site Map that appears when you Login to this course is a graphic representation of the 12 course Modules.
Each of these Modules explain the material in the corresponding chapter in the Seafood HACCP Alliance Training Curriculum manual. You can use the Site Map to navigate from one Module to another. You can click on the words on the left side of your screen at any time to go to the Site Map, individual Modules or the other resources provided in this course.
To navigate the course, select module one below. If returning to the course after already having completed several modules be sure to keep track of where you are at. You can select and begin from any of the 12 module buttons below. Keep in mind that while you can complete the 12 modules in any order you must progress through each page within the module consecutively. If you are having trouble navigating the course, click here Download hereto download a course navigation guide. Additional questions can be sent to the course administrators at If you come across any broken links have trouble accessing the course features please notify the course administrators at, include module and page numbers for any of the broken links or features.
You can return to this home page at any time at the top of the navigation bar on the left to navigate to other course modules.