NYS 4-H Statewide Events
Chaperones are pivotal leaders in 4-H experiences. This course is meant to help you prepare for your role as chaperone and provide opportunities to ask questions and connect with the event planning team.
Chemung County 4-H Poultry Science:101
With chick season right around the corner, we’d like to provide Chemung County you with the opportunity to experience the fun and prepare for hatching or bringing homes chicks of their own!
Topics will include:
- Selecting eggs for hatching
- Selecting and setting up your incubator
- A peek inside the stages of development
- Hatch Day, what to do and not do.
- Breed study
- Preparing your brooder
- Raising healthy chicks
- Preparing your coop
- Predator 101
- Raising poultry for a purpose
Adventure Program Staff Training
This course is designed for staff or independent contractors who want to work in the Adventure Programs conducted at 4-H Camp Bristol Hills during the Spring, Summer or Fall. This is a supplement to the in-person training which is held each year shortly before camp. This course is NOT a certification, but will help staff to gain a solid understanding of the program before working with campers directly.
4-H Camp Shankitunk CIT Program
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have created an online adaptation of our Counselor in Training Program. We will cover present the information that you would have covered with us at camp through Discussion boards, recorded talks, interactive Zoom meetings and role plays, and challenge you to lead games during Friday Campfire to practice important leadership skills. This virtual experience will culminate in a gathering at camp when it is safe to do so.