Capacitación en Línea para Trabajadores Lecheros

Este entrenamiento autoguiado en español para trabajadores lecheros esta designado para desarrollar en la fuerza laboral las habilidades necesarias en una lechería moderna. Los módulos están centrados en áreas comunes de responsabilidad de los trabajadores lecheros.

Temas incluidos:

Manejo de Vacas

La nutrición de Vacas Lecheras

La Salud del Rebano

La Calidad de Leche y El Sistema del Ordeno

Reproducción y Cría

Milk Quality On-Demand

This course is intended for dairy business on-farm personnel (owner or employee) who are seeking to increase their knowledge of milk quality management. Participants should possess a formal or informal background in dairy cattle management, but not necessarily in milk quality.

Topics Covered

·        Impact of mastitis causing organism on the cow

·         Gram negative vs. gram positive
·         Assessing and Controlling Teat End Health
·         Cow Environment
·         Dry cow housing, stall bedding and hygiene
·         Sample collection technique
·         Udder Hygiene, Milking Routine, and Unit Alignment Influence on Milking Performance and Mastitis
·         Using Test Day Data SCC, CMT, and DC305 to Manage Milk Quality
·         Considerations for Cows with Mastitis
·         Dry Cow Therapy & Pathogen Based Treatment

Forage Management On Demand

This course will begin with agronomic factors that influence forage quality and follow key strategies for harvest, preservation and feedout of quality feed. It will be valuable for decision makers and key employees in the cropping and feeding system on the farm.  There will be a mix of basic “101” level material combined with more advanced concepts and recent research findings.

Topics Covered

  • Fermentation and Silage Science
  • Forage Variety Selection & Quality Considerations
  • Forage Harvest Management
  • Silage Storage & Management
  • TMR Mixing Procedure & Maintenance
  • Feed out and Feed Bunk Management